Egg Donor Committment 28. July 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor (0) Once a person agrees to donate her eggs, it is crucial that she honours her commitment as so much h [More]
Ten Reasons To Donate Your Eggs 28. July 2014 Jenny Egg Donor, Emotions, South African Egg Donation (0) Why Should Ladies Donate Their Eggs. It is a wonderful feel good thing to do. Imagine being p [More]
What is the ideal profile of an egg donor? 28. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, South African Egg Donation (0) Some relevant and important aspects to determine if you may qualify as an egg donor. Egg donors are [More]
J' Story as An Egg Donor 26. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, True Stories (0) It started upon a request of her availbility, to which she immediately responded that she was with a [More]
Egg Donation as A Community Service 17. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Emotions, South African Egg Donation (0) It gives us purpose when we give to others and make a difference. In this special country, 18 July m [More]
Eggs From South Africa 16. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, Medical, South African Egg Donation (0) Egg donation is a beautiful process for so many reasons. Besides the obvious aspects of helping peop [More]
Letter of Gratitude 14. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor, Emotions (0) To be advised that you need an egg donor can be an overwelming bit of news. It can be an absol [More]
Egg Donor Injections 11. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Medical (0) It is a great excitement starting the egg donation process. The injections usually mark the st [More]
Anonymity and Confidentiality 10. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction (1) Our egg donors are completely confidential and anonymous to their recipients. This means [More]
Babies Born 9. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor, Emotions (1) One of the greatest aspects about egg donation is hearing the news of the babies being born. T [More]