An Egg Donation That Means the World 24. May 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Fembryo Fertility Unit, Letters From Recipients, Natal Fertility (0) My second egg donation seemed so seamless and stress free compared to the first time I donated.  [More]
Giving a Wonderful Gift 26. January 2016 Jenny Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Natal Fertility (0) Hi JennyFirst of all I just want to say thank you for helping me to donate eggs to a woman that wasn [More]
My Short and Sweet Pretoria Experience 14. October 2015 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Letters from Donors, Natal Fertility, Pretoria Fertility Clinic (0) When I had originally signed up to be a donor 2 years ago, I had decided that I would do a max of tw [More]
Egg Donor Starting Treatment 28. August 2015 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Natal Fertility (0) Every egg donation is different as every woman is different and every egg is different. baby2m [More]
My Egg Donor Journey to Umhlanga 13. August 2015 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) My journey so far as a donor towards egg donation has been an unbelievable experience. I have [More]
My Experience as A Donor with baby2mom 29. January 2015 Jenny Blog, Community, Emotions, Letters from Donors, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) Dear JennyWorking with you has been lovely from day 1. I really love what you do for others, s [More]
J's Message after her egg donation retrieval process 14. November 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Natal Fertility (0) Hi Jenny, I just got home. The procedure went so well!... a lil sore! But other th [More]
Another Umhlanga Egg Donation 5. November 2014 Jenny Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Letters from Donors, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) From our wonderful donor...Hi Jenny, yes all well and yes got another scan at 7:15 tomorrow mo [More]
From our Durban donor 30. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) My appointment and scan went really well this morning! Have about 10 eggs on each ovary and ha [More]
baby2mom - you are the best 8. October 2014 Jenny Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Letters from Donors, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) Dear Jenny ,I would just like to thank you for all the support you have shown me whilst on my egg do [More]