Lighting Another's Candle 13. November 2014 Jenny Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Fembryo Fertility Unit, Letters from Donors, True Stories (0) Dear JennyIt has been such a wonderful journey and an honour to be one of baby2mom’s egg donors.&nbs [More]
Another Umhlanga Egg Donation 5. November 2014 Jenny Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Letters from Donors, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) From our wonderful donor...Hi Jenny, yes all well and yes got another scan at 7:15 tomorrow mo [More]
From our Durban donor 30. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Natal Fertility, True Stories (0) My appointment and scan went really well this morning! Have about 10 eggs on each ovary and ha [More]
Egg Donation at Medfem 29. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Letters from Donors, Medfem, True Stories (0) See what B says about her egg donation experience...Hi Jenny. Just an update. I am having my last sc [More]
Something New 28. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Cape Fertility Clinic, Community, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Letters from Donors, True Stories (0) I remember Monday morning as I entered the clinic my nerves were shot, even though I was pretty exci [More]
My experience in Cape Town as an egg donor 27. October 2014 Jenny Aevitas, Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, True Stories (0) Hope you are great.☺I feel so blessed being able to help people in need, and this time was no differ [More]
Egg donation does not make you fat 26. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Emotions, Letters from Donors, True Stories (0) Does egg donation make you gain weight? Well this is a very valid question and as with all thi [More]
A's honest truth about being an egg donor 23. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Fembryo Fertility Unit, True Stories (0) Im not very poetic, so this took me alot of thinking...My experience with baby2mom was a pleasant on [More]
Logan's why I became an egg donor 22. October 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, True Stories (0) Dearest Jenny, I fell pregnant almost 4 years ago, no it was not planned and no I was not sure [More]
Negatives are difficult 20. October 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Recipient, Emotions, Letters From Recipients, Medfem, True Stories (0) Hi Jenny, Hi Jenny. It's with a heavy heart I have to tell you our blood test today was negative.&nb [More]