Hi Jenny,
I know its late but I had a spark so thought you could share on your blog...
When I thought of becoming an egg donor, I thought I had a clear vision of why I am doing it... I knew that what I was doing was helping a woman become a mother.. Clearly my vision wasn't as clear as I thought it was... Today I went it for my second last scan on a Saturday morning waking up at 5 to be on time... and let me tell you the hormones have certainly kicked in (emotional ball).
I find myself in the waiting room (anxious) and other woman waiting patiently thinking to myself I wonder if they are donors or recipients. The more I sit here the more I catch on whose who. Finally two moms walk in and I overhear their conversation about how happy they are and how its time for another.
Being a mom myself made me think of my baba and being so happy to be a mom and seeing how grateful these woman are and how proud they are of how they have done it. (that's not how my full vision came in effect as yet). I finally went in with another "mommy to be" and I heard her whole story on how long she's has been trying and how this has become her last option in becoming a mommy.
I just fell apart... I eventually went in, everything good to go and I went for my usual injections and I sat in a room FULL of baby pictures. From all the mommies who have gone through this, all the smiles and love in these images has made me realise that this is so much more then making a woman a mommy its about bringing happiness and LOVE into a family's life.
Knowing that I will become the cause of LOVE AND HAPPINESS makes this all worth the while..... I AM A PROUD DONOR!!