Happy Days for Everyone 20. July 2016 Jenny Blog, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Pretoria Fertility Clinic (0) Another successful retrieval and a magical moment for those who receive the true joy of happiness.&n [More]
Decision to Become Egg Donor 12. July 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor (0) I have decided to become an egg donor, a process that makes me very excited, as not everyone has the [More]
Making the World a Better Place 19. June 2016 Jenny Aevitas, Cape Town, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions (0) Forget the "afterwards"cramps and the need to feel proud of yourself for what you've just done.&nbs [More]
Being A Stepping Stone 14. June 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Emotions (0) I have a friend, who so dearly wishes to be married and have children. His brothers are marrie [More]
Creating a Lifetime of Memories 9. June 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Letters from Donors, Pretoria Fertility Clinic (0) Our egg donor reports after the egg retrieval, "Im on my way home now. This if by far the best [More]
Egg Donating via Organisations that Meet Needs 2. June 2016 Jenny Blog, Cape Fertility Clinic, Cape Town, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Letters from Donors (0) ‘’Donors do not give to organizations becauseorganizations have needs;They give because organizat [More]
Understanding the Emotions of Egg Donation Recipients 26. May 2016 Jenny Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions (0) Sometimes people only see what they want to see but with my last egg donation I saw something very r [More]
Proud to be an Egg Donor 7. May 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Medfem (0) I'm so excited and proud to be part of baby2mom and to be able to help a lovely couple become parent [More]
Being a baby2mom Egg Donor 3. May 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Fembryo Fertility Unit, Letters from Donors (0) Being an egg donor at baby2mom has been an amazing experience, the joy it brings oneself and the rec [More]
My Egg Donation Process 7. April 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Fembryo Fertility Unit (0) As I started my first egg donation process I immediately experienced feelings of hope, joy and excit [More]