Surrogacy going to court to approve 15. August 2014 Jenny Community, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, Letters From Recipients, Surrogacy, True Stories (0) Hi Jenny Hope you are doing well. Thought I would give you an update on how things are goi [More]
Travelling for Egg Donation 13. August 2014 Jenny Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) Egg donation abroad - please South African egg donors, this concept is really applicable to recipien [More]
Gender Selection 13. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction (0) The South African Department of Health have advised that PGD for gender selection is no longer avail [More]
Benefits of SA Egg Donation 10. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Recipient, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) Embarking on an egg donor program is both very exciting and very emotional. So the process of [More]
Confidential Tissue Donation 8. August 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Process, Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction (0) Legislation governing human tissue donation in South Africa enforces anonymity and confidentiality f [More]
Egg Donors' Photos 7. August 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Recipient, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) Egg donation is required to be anonymous and the identity of egg donors may not be compromised in So [More]
Lets Understand Egg Donations 7. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction (0) Egg donation is not a new term, but it certainly is becoming more accepted and understood of late.&n [More]
Egg Donations Worldwide 28. July 2014 Jenny Blog, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) Everywhere in the world persons experience infertility. This is an extremely painful process [More]
Everything You Need to Know About Egg Donation 28. July 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Process, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) Egg donation – an answer to a dreamWho benefits from egg donation?Eggdonation is a solution f [More]
Visiting South Africa for Egg Donation 28. July 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Recipient, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) South Africa is a sought after destination for egg donation and warmly referred to as egg donation [More]