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Being an egg donor

Dear Jenny

The process of donating my eggs has been one of the most incredible and life changing experiences of my life. Through you I have been able to touch other people in a very different way and in a way that most people don't.  It has also been one of the easiest things I have ever done. The most difficult part of egg donation is filling out your long form when you apply😉 I have loved every moment of it from the first blood test, through the 3 simple scans with the most gentle amazing doctors and the injections were a piece of cake that did not affect me in anyway. About 3 days before my first donation I could feel that the eggs had grown and it made it real. I felt like wow I could be changing someone's life by giving them a child that they are dying to have and haven't been able to have. When I woke up the first time I had happiness in my heart knowing that my recipient might be pregnant. Now I'm laying in the bed ready to donate once again with butterflies in my tummy because I know that this time. My recipient WILL get pregnant.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to help people in such a special way.

Love D xx

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