I was in the honoured position to be asked to donate a part
of me for the second time. This time
around it came with the chance to take a bit of a break as well, since the
receiving party is in Cape Town and I’m not. This meant that I took leave,
spending the time not at the clinic being a tourist.
Of course the same general tests and procedures are done and
followed, but it was a bit of ‘like experiencing something for the first time,
again’ because it was a different clinic.
I had to make two trips to Cape Town, the first for the
initial evaluation, blood works and psychology prodding. The second time was the week of the actual
Once in Cape Town for the second time, it was nice to see
familiar faces and be reminded of how friendly everyone is.
Starting with being picked up at the airport by Medical
Tourism. Who were also my ‘chauffeurs’
between the clinic and place where I stayed.
Thank you for being there and having lots of patience with everyone’s
different schedules you have to manage.
At the clinic was more smiles right through from reception
to the doctors. Efficiency was also a
main point and things were done chop chop.
Thanks to Jenny as well who checked in regularly and spoiled
me with a massage and city tour to name only some. I am grateful for all the positive contact
doesn’t matter when or what time.
And that is what makes the people who are part of this
process so amazing. One tends to only
think of one’s own point of view and see and experience it from that
point. And one of the occurring topics I
spoke to people about this time round was exposure. That even though I am giving something of me,
the receiving couple has taken the step to be okay with having a biological
part of someone else become part of their family and opening themselves up to
So, if I may, thank you from each person involved in every
different part of this process, to each person involved in every different part
of this process.