My experience and thoughts on donating my eggs
When I first thought of becoming an egg donor a few things ran through my mind. One of the things were what an amazing gift it would to be able to provide someone with such a gift. Out of your own kindness and willingness to help others. Donating your eggs is one of the most caring things one can do. Every woman deserves their own chance to become a mother and having a happy family. I am donating for the 3rd time next month and it is one if the best things I could have ever done. The process and support from baby2mom staff (Jenny) has only been but the greatest. Best support one can get!
When I first got a message saying the lady I donated to was pregnant. I literally cried my eyes out in the shower! The tears of joy just came pouring and a felt a whole weight of positivity on my shoulders.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. And thank you to the Dr's - Dr Heylen and Dr Wiswedel for your wonderful support.
Jenny you are such a wonderful woman for giving these ladies such a beautiful gift. Great things are coming your way, you are special and I really hope more people tell you that.
Stay that special person you are**