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Thanks to SA Webdesign

I was treated to a week-end away with my family, courtesy of SA Webdesign, who are responsible for the efficiency of baby2mom's website.

The website has evolved from a simple blog to a fully fledged online offering, enabling recipients to view donor profiles and find their right person and supporting egg donors to complete their full online profile, also through their mobile devices.  These are major advances that have have occurred gently, carefully and diligently over several years. 

The development of the blog in the last quarter of 2014 has also proven to be very popular and a wonderful addition to the baby2mom website.

baby2mom is very grateful to SA Webdesign for their constant support in the evolution of the baby2mom Egg Donation website.

Kevin Jennings at SA Webdesign has patiently and painstakingly understood the legalities of egg donation and strict criteria sought by baby2mom to uphold the high standards and too been available at many odd hours to support the professionalism of baby2mom.

Sincerest gratutude and thanks is expressed to SA Webdesign for a wonderful and much needed week-end.

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