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What tests are required for recipients needing donor eggs?

Woman Receiving Donor Eggs:
FSH/ LH, oestradiol, prolactin, TSH, T$, thyroid antibodies, antocadrio lipin, HIV Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Rubella IGg IGm RH Grouping Fasting Insulin and Fasting Glucone, AMH.
An ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries to exclude fibroids or polyps in the uterus.
Pap smear and vaginal swabs for MC & S urea plasma and myco plasma.
Men Having IVF Treatment:
Full semen analysis (ejaculation required three days prior to testing), blood tests - same as for the woman except rubella, FSH and oestradial, including MC&S urea plasma and myco plasma., infection tests, Mc&s plasma.
Fasting tests - require fasting (no eating and no drinking, except water) for 10 hours before the tests.
Whilst the exact tests required will differ depending on the fertility clinic or treating doctor, the above is a good indication of medical tests required to confirm medical readiness for a man and/ or woman to proceed on an egg donor program.

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