I have wanted to be an egg donor since I was 19 years old, but friends stopped me saying I was too yound to understand the impact this would have in my life. Seven years later, here I am, so proud to be able to donate my eggs. Over the years, I have seen friends undergo IVF to and conceive. It is one of the most difficult things in life not to be able to have children. For us woman, putting our careers first and delaying families to late thirties or early forties - reproduction is becoming even more difficult.
Im one of the women who will wait till my late thirties to have a child, thank
goodness for medical science all things are possible. This has been a daunting
yet rewarding experience which I've taken seriously and with courage, nothing
fulfills me than knowing that I'm helping someone make their dream of having a
baby a reality. I would like to encourage everyone who is eligible to become a
donor to do, especially black people. My doctor says less than 10% of black
people donate their eggs, and that's really sad. Come on help others, because one
day it might be you who needs the help. I'm truly grateful and blessed to have
been able to take part in this amazing life changing experience!
All my love,
A happy Egg Donor xxxx