Many of my friends and family asked me why and what made you want to go thought this?? And the answer was pretty simple to me.
If I could shear that feeling of having a baby inside of me and then raising that baby and becoming a mother why would I not?
So my mission to make someone dreams come true began! I looked on the net did some reading and signed up with baby2mom. Loads of question but never the less I went ahead, found some picture of me as a child and made a profile, I was so excited that I had signed up and started to feel full and blessed that I was able to be part of this!!
A few months passed and then I received a very happy phone call from baby2mom that someone had viewed my profile and would like my eggs, well well was I over the moon and just filled with such joy in my heart !!
Now this is where the real work started!! Had my first appointment with Dr Coetsee and he was very nice and all the staff @ the Natal Fertility Clinic were very help full and made me feel just @ home!! I soon started with the injection which was a big deal for me as I really can't do needles and often wonder how I would be able to do this, but I want to do this so I had to put my fear of needles a side if I was going to make someone's dreams come true, so as I would say I put my big girl panties on and did it!! They were not so bad at all, some days were better then other but, I was so filled with excitement and joy that the 2 weeks went really fast.
The retrieval day had arrived and I was nervous but really happy @ the same time!! It was really fast and I was very comfortable they took good care of me I got there @ 8am and was on my way home by 11am. It was a bit painful but nothing I was not able to deal with, I left the hospital feeling so blessed and hopeful for my recipient, they took 12 eggs altogether and I now just pray that all go's well!! I would like to say thank you to baby2mom they really made me feel special and thank you for making this possible!!