♡ My egg donation experience and journey ♡
So tomorrow 22/11/2016 will be my third egg retrieval and I am really super excited and positive!
I get a lot of questions regarding egg donation, does it hurt, does it affect you in any negative way and the most important question is, why?
First of all, let me begin with why I became an egg donor.
In 2014 I decided to register for egg donation, thinking I would never get a call back or opportunity, I carried on with my life until one day everything changed.
I received a call regarding a couple that wanted to know if I would be able to donate, without hesitating I said yes. 💜
So then after that I found out that I had to fly to Cape Town for scans etc. and what an amazing experience, people are so kind and warm. I only went for a one day trip and came home super excited and couldn't stop talking about my day (think I drove my brother crazy.)
So after a while I had to complete a set of pills before moving on to the next step. I received my injections and almost passed out because this was my first time, luckily my brother helped and supported me all the way.
It didn't hurt very much, it's just a slight sting and burning sensation from the medication.
So by the second week I had to fly to Cape Town and stay there for about 7-9 days and while I'm sitting on the plane I just thought, WoW!! Here I am, healthy, happy and going to Cape Town to give something little and precious to someone I don't even know. I thanked God multiple times for that day and this wonderful opportunity. That day made me realise that there's a lot to be thankful for, to appreciate what you have and also not to be afraid to give.
Everything was perfect in Cape Town. The clinic was superb, staff and doctors are very welcoming. The guesthouse was amaaaaazing! Extremely professional and friendly service. I felt so at peace with myself, so happy, regardless of the fact that I was still afraid of my first egg retrieval.
The day of my egg retrieval was a bit nerve wrecking, but as soon as I went through to the theater I just told myself to relax and so I did. After the retrieval I woke up and it felt like I just came out of theater. I was wide awake and felt fine, little bit emotional, but had no pain and got a lovely muffin and coffee ☕ 🍰 Yum!! So I got ready to receive my compensation and also received a lovely gift from my recipients and then off to my lovely little guesthouse to rest.
So much changed after I donated, I felt extremely happy with myself. So after a while I received another phone call regarding donating again and said yes again. 😌 This time I had to go to Johannesburg for tests and scans, my second time was a different experience but it was still an awesome experience. You still get to meet new people and experience new things.
This is my third time, now let me tell you, it can get on your nerves sometimes, it's called hormones darling 😏 You basically inject yourself for 2 weeks with about 15 injections ( I have it correct because you lose track of the amount, believe me.)
For two weeks you have to "quit" any bad habits, example - Smoking and drinking alcohol.
It's scary to look at the needles everytime, this was my third time with injections and believe me, I still wanted to sit in a corner and cry. But you have to man up hun! It takes a lot of guts and dedication, first of all, I got bloated so bad, I looked pregnant 😨 😰 But that's when I realized that my tiny beautiful follicles are healthy and growing. The last 3 - 4 days before egg donation everything is sensitive. That's also usually where one needs to rest and take things slow. Okay, you're supposed to rest the whole two weeks and be careful.
Eat healthy etc. Mostly surround yourself with positive things and people. 💗💜💗
Many people asked how can I donate in today's world.. Well geez dude, go ask a pregnant lady why she fell pregnant in today's world, I promise you she will smack you into another dimension.
It's exactly the same, so whether a woman gets pregnant naturally or through IVF, that tiny miracle comes from God, God has a plan for everyone. I was asked to donate and help, and so I did because I knew it was the right thing to do. Some people tend to say it's against the Bible to donate. Okay well if so, why did it cross my path and help me through a lot of struggles and also brought joy to other parents? Why did this opportunity give me a better insight to life?
I'm extremely thankful and feel so blessed. I cant describe the feeling when you donate to someone who might have been struggling for years.
My advice to anyone who wants to become an egg donor, do it! 💜
It changes you in a positive way and also brings so much joy to a family.
It's one amazing journey! 💗💝💗
Don't ever be afraid.
The only things in this life that you really regret are the risks you didn't take. 🌻🌻🌻🌻