Hi Jenny,
I have been trying to find the right words to use to describe my experience thus far and nothing seems adequate enough to describe how I feel. On the 21st of November, I got confirmation that my screening appointment would be on the 23rd. I think that was when it dawned in me that I was actually going to get the chance to help someone fulfill their dreams.
After only managing to squeeze in four hours of sleep due to my excitement I was off to Cape Town. It was so heartening to see how often Jenny checked up on me and made sure I was alright. I was greeted at the Cape Fertility by the lovely receptionist who told me I was 2 hours early for my appointment (too much excitement I guess!!). I then went to see the psychologist Leanne who was probably the nicest person I have ever met. Even though she was a complete stranger, I somehow felt at ease when speaking to her. I then moved to Dr Matebese was just as nice, she made me feel like she cared about what she was doing.
But now the most important person in this story of mine, the recipient, I would just like to say:
Even though I will never get the chance to personally thank you, I would just like to say how much I appreciate you choosing me. I don't know why you chose me and I don't think I ever will but I hope you will not regret your choice. I pray that God floods you with happiness and the laughter that comes along with a precious bundle.

This photo represents min and the recpient's life paths' meeting