What tests are required for recipients needing donor eggs? 18. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Recipient, Medical (0) Woman Receiving Donor Eggs:FSH/ LH, oestradiol, prolactin, TSH, T$, thyroid antibodies, antocadrio l [More]
Role of Genes in Egg Donation 18. August 2014 Jenny Egg Donation Recipient (0) Role of Genes in Egg Donation - Nature Vs Nurture:Determining hair colour, eye colour, height, size, [More]
Travelling for Egg Donation to South Africa 16. August 2014 Jenny (0) The global world has made everything smaller and the option of searching worldwide for ideal egg don [More]
Ethnicities in Egg Donation 16. August 2014 Jenny Community, Egg Donation Recipient, Egg Donor Experiences, South African Egg Donation (0) Different ethnicities, race groups and religious groups all feel independently that the group to whi [More]
Egg Donation Explained 16. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Process, Egg Donation Recipient, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction (0) Egg donation is an extraordinary life changing gift that offers hopeto woman who previously thought [More]
Surrogacy going to court to approve 15. August 2014 Jenny Community, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, Letters From Recipients, Surrogacy, True Stories (0) Hi Jenny Hope you are doing well. Thought I would give you an update on how things are goi [More]
Cape Town South Africa Egg Donation 15. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Cape Town, Community, Egg Donor Experiences (0) Many persons are only able to become parents through the help of others. Egg donation is one o [More]
Celebration of life 14. August 2014 Jenny Community, Egg Donation Recipient, Emotions, Letters From Recipients, True Stories (0) On the 4th August 2014, new ilfe entered this world after egg donation treatment confirmed a success [More]
Travelling for Egg Donation 13. August 2014 Jenny Egg Donor, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction, South African Egg Donation (0) Egg donation abroad - please South African egg donors, this concept is really applicable to recipien [More]
Gender Selection 13. August 2014 Jenny Blog, Community, Legalities of Third Party Reproduction (0) The South African Department of Health have advised that PGD for gender selection is no longer avail [More]