I flew to Johannesburg a day before my retrieval. It was frightening going alone, however everyone on this journey makde it much more comfortable!
After arriving in Johannesburg, a sweet driver by the name of Sipho fetched me from the airport and took me to the mall to buy a few things I had forgotten in Port Elizabeth. I arrived at my uncle's house and got to see my Johannesburg family after two years. I was staying with them for those two nights.
I got some shut eye, no later than 7pm. 5am, Sipho picked me up from the house and off went to Medfem Clinic in Bryanston. I was not feeling so well so the sweet nurses put me in bed and gave me a drip to take away the pain.
I have never felt so at ease in a hospital. All around me were nurses with smiles on their faces and a willgness to help. After a few hours of waiting for the procedure, I dozed off and an hour later I was awake super excited to eat and drink something. I had not been able to eat and drink from 10pm the night before the procedure. After showing a sandwich and tea down my throat, I got up, got dressed and off Sipho and I went back to the house. I left with a smile.
The hospitality at Medfem was incredible and I have the amazing nurses, Krina and the doctot to thank for that!
After getting home, I rested in bed until the very next morning. I got packed up and headed for the aiport again. I arrived back in PE after 8:30 and went straight back to sleep again.
Thank you very much to Aunty Jenny who helped and guided me through this time. You are an incredble human being. Thank you sincerely for caring and helping in any way possible. You are truly a gift to this earth.
To the recipient - may God bless you with an amazing family that you deserve. I would not change it for this world. Thank you for choosing me to help make this dream come true!
Deepest gratitude and love to everyone on this amazing journey.