Attending Fembryo's Mother and Daughter High Tea in Port Elizabeth on Saturday, 23 July was in essence a celebration of woman.
We arrived early on Saturday morning to find Port Elizabeth bitterly cold, but our hearts were warmed by the people, fellowship and learnings.

I was very blessed to have the company of my own beautiful daughter and her beauty. Thank you dearest darling beloved Erin.

The tables were beautifully decorated and all ladies greeted personally with anticiapted and excited preparation, hosted in the Tramways Building.

Lovely seeing and catching up with these beautiful people.

baby2mom is a proud sponsor of contributing to gifts for guests.

Dr Wendy went to such extensive efforts to highlight to all girls and woman that we are not average, but beautiful. The beauty of a woman grows with age with her increasing wisdom and insights into life. This is not defined by a flawless skin and impossible body size.

Dr Danie reiterated that woman don't want to be men as God has purposefully made woman different to men. All moms and daughters were treated to an extensive medical guidance on what happens from the very start of life, conception, right up to the final years. He guided ladies on what medical issues are pertinent and require attention at different ages of being a woman. Very importantly he highlighted that fertility specialists enable God's miracles and do not replace the Divine Work of our Creator.
Naturally, as a fertility clinic, the topic of fertility received appropriate attention. Some of the challenges woman experience on this topic were highlighted as well as when woman should seek professional help.
I thank Fembryo for their wonderful attention to woman and for taking the time to educate woman and for embracing our femininity.
Sunrise in Port Elizabeth symbolising a new day and new opportunities for all!

An amazing opportunity and education for all our beloved daughters!