Hi Jenny,
I hope you are well. Our beautiful daughter is now over 9 mths old and is a healthy, happy, vibrant and determined baby, with a strong zest for life! I've been meaning to send you an email to thank you and also ask if you can pass the below message on to our donor. I think when you write the initial thank you message to the donor at the time of transfer, you cannot imagine the full force of love or gratitude you will feel in your heart should you be lucky enough to be holding your child a year or two later.
Without you Jenny this couldn't of happened either so we are forever grateful. Because of your intuitive guidance we ended up with this incredible donor and ultimately our daughter. What you do is amazing. xx
Dear beautiful donor,
As I gaze at my daughter I am astounded that I am lucky enough to have this most precious person in my life. It's amazing to think we travelled the other side of the world to have her! What a journey! Every time I look at her I am filled with so much gratitude for this gift you have given my husband and I. No words will ever adequately be able to express what you've given to us and how we feel. It's my dear wish to you that your life is filled with love, laughter, happiness and fun and that you are blessed with whatever your heart desires. Never doubt what a beautiful soul you are and how incredible you are. With an avalanche of love and gratitude :)
H's Ima and Aba (mum and dad!)

More on the egg donor process from a recipient's perspective can be found online.