After our egg donor's trip to Port Elizabeth for her first screening, she documented some feelings around this special process and sent the following:
Becoming a donor was scary and exciting at the same time. I had done my research so I had an idea of what I was going to be doing and what was going to be happening to my body, but you can't know the full experience until you try it.
I feel so blessed being able to help couples in need. Sometimes we intend to temporarily forgotten how rewarding it feels to help make a real difference in the lives of others!
If you ever have another wonderful and deserving couple that you can’t find another suitable donor for, I’d absolutely love the opportunity to donate again. I really enjoy doing this when it’s for a great couple in need. I love helping people who find themselves in a position where they can’t help themselves because of situations out of their control. I would certainly want someone to do the same for me or the people I care about. Donating is an even better way to help someone because it helps fulfil a life-long dream….and being a small part of that is priceless!

More information on being an egg donor can be found online.