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Egg Donations Outside of South African Borders

Egg donation in South Africa differs vastly from in other regions of the world.

Our egg donors come forward for reasons of kindness and wanting to make a difference to their fellow man.  Accordingly the donation is a fixed amoutn as stipulated by the Department of Health.  This amount cannot be negotiated and increased.  Essentially ladies are given a token for their time and participation, rather than believing they can make money from selling their human tissue.  This is not the case in South Africa. 

Promise of Five Start Accommodation:
There is no committment to five star accommodation and our egg donors are cautioned from responding to luring advertisments encouraging ladies to visit exotic destinations - potentiallly compromising their health and safety.

Health Issues:
South African fertility clinics put the donor's safety first and the role of the egg donation agency is to support the process, not validate any medical matters.  For this, reputable medical professionals are available to provide pre, during and post medical attention if required.   In South Africa limits are encouraged to ensure that egg donors participate in moderation.  The supporting fertility clinics follow these guidelines very carefully - to ensure the safety of all persons.
Sadly, distressing accounts are reported of ladies returning to South Africa after lack of care and as such adversely impacting the South African reputation around egg donation. 

baby2mom is committed to the safety and health of egg donors and has thus taken a stand against egg donations outside of South African borders.  More on this online.

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