29 January 2019,
This was delivered for me at the Medfem Cliic by my recipient. I had a scan the following day and I had this wonderful gift waiting for me. From the bottom of my heart I am thankful. This came as a surprise and the surprise was loved.
Where do I start? Alot happened as they all recall - Jenny, the recipients, Sister Krina, Dr van Schouwenburg. My period did not start as expected to the extent that I was prescribed an inducer. Fortunately on the day I was told that if my period didnt start, then... But it started. It was my first time donating at Medfem. It felt like a long time, but it was a wonderful experience. In the end, patience pays off. On 2 February, I am proud to say that 41 eggs were retrieved.
To my recipients thank you for choosing me, for putting your faith in me and for being patient with me throughout the whole donation process. I was told that you are a wonderful lady. I hope that God grants your heart's desires.
Thank you xxx