It started upon a request of her availbility, to which she immediately responded that she was with a smile. She was asked to cut down/ stop smoking and obliged very willingly. She expressed excitement and feelings of being thrilled about contributing to another's parenting possibility.
Her recipient travelled especially from New South Wales, Australia and agreed to accommodate our donor's preference of timimg.
Screening - involving psychological and medical was promptly arranged and our donor scheduled her plans. The night before she sends a message saying, "Jenny thanks so much!! It's so nice to know that you are around for support. I am really excited about it all and hope it goes well tomorrow.❤ ".
The clinic's address is double checked and J arrives promptly. After the first appointment, J gives more feedback. " Hi! What lovely people at Cape Fertility, so friendly and efficient. Bloods are done, doctor has been seen, Leanne did her thing and I saw the sister. Everything seems good.😃
Cindy (the nurse) put me on the pill and gave me the injections in case I need to start injecting."

Screening confirms all is perfect and the exact dates for the treatment
confirmed and planned weeks in advance. Tickets are booked and
accomodation selected.
The weeks pass and our egg donor's time on the pill comes to an end. It is time to stop the pill and await the start of bleeding, which is indicative of the right timing to start treament.
Menstrual cycle starts promtly and we are all set to start. The first injections proceed well and the only complaint J has is that she has to lift her shirt and expose her body to Winter's wrath to inject.

J participates exactly as instructed and obliges herself like a true angel. She receives a little gift along the way, reminding her how special she is and how valued her contribution is. J feels grateful and appreciated, "Thank you so much for my gift package. It's so special and really made my morning! "

J gives her 67 minutes to a noble deed on Mandela Day by having her first scan. Everything goes well. The rest of the treatment and scans proceed positively and two weeks fly by.
J's particpation sparks interest in others who consider donating their eggs too and she sends them to the registration page to complete the initial application form to become available as egg donors.
The day of egg retrieval is upon us and our egg donor is all dressed up for the miraculous occassion.

Smiling, like a true angel, after the event, she advises, " Coffee and muffin and the friendliest staff ever. The doctor said that they got at least 12 eggs but they will ket me know the exact amount as soon as the lab has processed everything. 😄 I am so happy. I just hope that the rest of the process is as successful for the recipients. Pease extend my well wishes and love and let them know that they are in my thoughts and heart."
J witnesses a rainbow enroute home after the egg retrieval, symbolic of the special process and opportunity to give the gift of life.

The recipient arrives excitedly in Cape Town, and so happy about the positive feedback of their egg donor. They hope to return with baby on board (the plane and the womb).