From our egg donor today following her trip to the CFC for her screening...
I had the most wonderful day.
Woke up very early (wish I could sleep more) but today was so worth it, very eye opening as well, why I'm saying eye opening, is because today taught me what it is to be thankful, to be brave and strong. My appointments went extremely well, I had a lot of fear early this morning, but I trusted in Jenny and also the awesome team at Cape Fertility, and I put my faith in God.
Everything was perfect and everyone was so warm and welcoming, I laughed alot and just forgot about how stressful life can be sometimes. I am so thankful that my recipients chose me to be their donor, I can't even describe the amount of joy and happiness it brings me. Giving a part of myself to someone I don't know, makes me so proud, it makes me proud knowing that I'm giving a precious gift to someone that deserves it, that deserves joy, love, laughter and so much positivity in their lives. It's really an amazing feeling.
Everyone is so friendly and Leanne made me feel even more relaxed. Dr Heylen is really great and assured me that I have nothing to fear. The sonar scan was a breeze.
I can't say thank you enough to Jenny, my recipients and the team at Cape Fertility, as well as the travel agency for helping me, for supporting me. I feel so honoured to do this, to go through with this amazing process. Today was really excellent, I am really happy to say that I'm a (soon to be) egg donor to my recipients. It's all good vibes, and when a journey starts with positive attitude, feelings etc. then it's going to be an awesome journey!