Hi Jenny
I would like to start by saying thank you... thank you for being a blessing in assisting those mommy's and couples out there.
I am so happy to be able to assist a couple in having their very own bundle of joy.
When you sent me the message this morning to let me know that a recipient was wanting me to be their donor, I was over the moon with excitement. The thought of knowing that I will be able to help a couple is without a doubt a wonderful feeling.
I am so excited to start my journey as this will be my first egg donation. You made me feel so at ease when explaining the procedure and all that it entails.
My journey as a egg donor has only just begun and I am very grateful for it.
I will keep you up to date as to how everything is going and I thank you again for all that you do.
Jenny, I came across this quote and immediately I thought of you, "Donors do not give to organisations because organisations have needs; they give because organisations meet needs."
I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to be able to help you with a bundle of joy, I thank you for choosing me as your donor. I am so excited to walk this path with you, I wish you all the blessings, love and happiness!
Cannot wait for the process to begin!