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My Highest Honour

I was extreamly excited when Jenny phoned, I could not believe that I would start my year off by helping someone other then myself. 

Going to my psychology evaluation, I was a little nervous but as soon as I started talking, I knew this is what I wanted to do.  My first visit to the hospital in Pretoria was a really good first experience.  They treated me in a really good manner and I felt even better about what I am doing. 

I think that donating eggs that I would ordinarily loose anyway is better because some woman cannot have children of their own and if woman like me that do in fact have children and waste their eggs, it's a pity because some woman really want children and they will actually take good care of them.  They will provide, because they have been struggling to have children for a long time and being able to donate is the highest honour that I could possibly recieve.  It's not the recipent that should say thank you, it is I that should thank them for allowing me to be able to give them a wonderful gift!

My last few visits were frightening, I dont really enjoy injecting myself but I know its for a good cause.  With my last visit, I got the good news of me going in for the retrieval and that I only had one injection left to do, my fiancé ensured I took all my meds and injections on time and has also stood by my side and taken me to the hospital each visit.  He has also been a star for supporting me in something that I really wanted to do. 

Most of all I want to wish the lady good luck with her insamination hope you get pregnant and have a healthy baby!

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