"My name is ....", that is how these usually go, but my name is not important. My story is also not of much consequence. All that really mattters is that I am an egg donor. But is that all we really are - donor and recipient. I think not.
I think that my life has been a series of events that have lead up to this moment. I think your life has also been a series of event that have lead up to this moment too. I am certain we have both been part of, as well as witness to, the pain of infertility. The death grip it can have on a relationship. The cloud of sorrow it holds over each member of your family. The cover of darkness that follows, threatnening to block out all the bit of light thay we try to hold on to in our lives.
And I am here to tell you that it is okay to feel that way. But I am also here to tell you that there is hope, there is light and thanks to this foundation, there is an egg and a donor, waiting to bring more light to your world.
We are all created equal say the LORD. Yet you look in the mirror and ask, "Why can't I LORD? Why do I struggle with this one thing when others do it so easily?" We are all created equal. In our capacity to love and be loved. And it is in loving each other as we are loved by HIM who gave us life that we are able to share a journey like this. Your life has lead up to this moment. The moment you were waiting for. The moment when it all fell into place, the anger or hurt or loss or confusion. The moment it all became lightness and the light over came the darkness. Simply because you became a recipient. Because you chose your donor. The moment you become a parent. The moment that HIS plan for you was fulfilled. So we are not just donor and recipient. We are light seekers. We are part of something greather than oursevles and our own little views. We are connected to inspire and be inspired, to share what we can with whom we can and to uploft each others in times of need. We are made to love and be loved. That is what we are here for and what better way to love than to create life and be be part of creating life?!
So in love and with many prayers for you and your family, I hope you enjoy this process, I know I have!