Thinking back, I am astonished that the year has flown by as very quickly as it has causing a reality check that 2016 will too pass by in a flash.
The time is not as important as what was achieved and acomplished in that very time. The year ends with baby2mom having facilitated close on 1,400 egg donation cycles to date.
- baby2mom received a facelift at the beginning of the year, giving a new upgraded and inviting look to the baby2mom website.
- baby2mom recorded over 50,000 facebook likes, quite a record in South Africa's fertility industry.
- Attendance of the 2015 SASREG conference proved insightful and a wonderful opportunity to greet and network with likeminded colleagues all contributing to miracle conceptions.
- Attendance of Medfem's alternative ways to parenthood evening was an inviting way for the public to better understand some fertility options.
- 2015 also highlighted the very serious implications for our lovely egg donors who choose to travel to exotic destinations for purposes of egg donation. baby2mom is so passionate about ladies remaining in our beautiful country that an affidavit confirming that baby2mom egg donors do not travel abroad was signed and uploaded on the site.
- Miracles were worked during 2015, including a lady conceiving on her 10th egg donation IVF. I was privilidged to meet the wonderful prem twins who were the astonishing conception of egg donation and surrogacy.
- Beautiful ladies travelled between key cities for screening and egg donor participations. Special thanks to Helena from Travel IQ for all her dedicated work around the exceptional travel arrangements.
- Extensive egg donor cycles were undertaken with fabulous clinics and people in South Africa. baby2mom is so proud and honoured to be associated with Fembryo in Port Elizabeth, Medfem in Johannesburg, Pretoria Fertility Clinic in Pretoria, CFC in Cape Town, Aevitas in Cape Town and Natal Fertility Clinic. Egg donor cycles were also undertaken with Dr Pentz and Dr de Bruin, Dr Niemand from Pretoria as well as Gynomed in Johannesburg.
- The thorough and detailed psychological assessments are undertaken through the dedicated efforts of amazing ladies, like Lynette Dean from Port Elizabeth, Mandy Rodrigues from Johannesburg, Leanne van der Westhuizen from Cape Town and James Sharrat from Umhlanga always available to help.
- Wonderful pictures and accounts were received from our recipients who proudly shared their photos and stories on the heart of baby2mom and on letters received from our parents and parents to be.
- A dedicated category of healthy eating was initiated on the blog to aid those seeking a more conscious lifestyle and keeping BMI at bay.
- Media coverage around egg donation continued.
- baby2mom's web hosts kindly offered a week-end of nature.
- baby2mom was nominated as a runner-up in the entry for excellence in customer service in the medical travel awards.
As with any exciting life, challenges are posed to facilitate growth, keep us humble and highlight that ultimately we walk by the grace of God, but do our level best.
It has been a wonderful exciting and blessed year and heartwarming to know that egg donations in South Africa and our egg donors have touched the lives of people including but not limited to South Africa, Mozambique, Australia, USA, UK, Namibia, UAE, Zimbabwe, Canada, New Zealand, Tasmania, Ireland, Cameroon, California, Switzerland, Germany, Los Angeles, Zambia and Singapore during 2015.
Blessings and thanks to those who have been part of baby2mom during this year and may 2016 be a continuation of this miracle development and beauty!