The Journey...
This time around it's my 4th time being an egg donor. Everyone has their own reasons for becoming an egg donor, but one thing we all have in common is that we open our hearts to give love.
My first time being a donor I was unsure of the process and what would be required from me, but one thing I can say baby2mom deals with only the best clinics with unbelievable staff that makes you feel right at home. Any questions you have you can ask Jenny or the clinic any time and they are happy to make you at ease and explain it. Now after I've completed my fourth cycle and egg retrieval, I cannot explain how happy my heart is for helping others make a dream come true!
This time around it was even more special. I was lucky enough to travel from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town for the retrieval and it was for a couple from Australia. How amazing is that!

Once I received the message from Jenny asking for my availability, my heart instantly started beating faster from excitement. I truly feel blessed to be part of something so amazing.
Once your screening has been done and approved, the magic happens. Firstly you go on a contraceptive to synchronize your cycle with the recipients, once the doctor works out the dates you go off and start your injections. The thought of self injections was scary, but it couldn't be any easier. Before you know it you are done and booked for the retrieval.

The morning I entered the clinic my heart felt happy, I am here for no other reason but to give someone a very special gift! The staff at Cape fertility Clinic are incredible as well the doctors! A quick visit from the anesthetist for some questions and into the little theater you go. Before you know it, it's over and you can go home. Some good rest and you're back to normal!

In a total I spent 7days in Cape Town. baby2mom booked me into a lovely little cottage, where I could just relax. In between my scans, I took the opportunity to explore the city and all the wonderful things Cape Town has to offer. This experience was magical and I will treasure these special memories forever.

I wish the recipients all the best for their new chapter and I pray that everything will go just perfectly! It was absolutely a blessing being part of their special dream and know the future holds only wonderful things to come!
Often I wish I could just tell everyone about my special experiences, but not they don't always understand why I would go through this. I do not have to explain my reasons or heart choices, but I will end this with....