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Travelling from Cape Town to Johannesburg for Egg Donation

Our egg donor from Cape Town was up before 4am this morning to check in promptly at 5am.

The egg donor screening is all scheduled in advance at Medfem, professional and established fertility clinic.  Our special egg donor reports on her experience.

I am very happy with  everything and the doctor ssaid everything looks great. 😄

It's stunning, I love the ladies, so kind.

A few hours later...

Hi Jenny, I am at the airport and all is good.  I just want to say thanky ou for everything! I am so glad all is working out, I know this will be a success, even the doctor said it looks like I fall pregnant very quickly.  Everything has been great and very organised.  The ladies were so accommodating and welcoming.  I am so looking forward to coming here again. I think I am just as excited ast the recipient.

☺ 🌺

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