Egg donation is the gift of an egg (or multiple
donor eggs) from one person to another. The egg donation is undertaken
through IVF and in South Africa, egg donation is required to be an
anonymous process.
Egg donation involves a halthy young woman aged
between 18 and 34 who consents to donate her eggs and understands what
this process entails. All egg donors are adequately counselled and
supported through the process of egg donation. Partaking in an egg
donor program does not compromise their own fertility, but egg donors do
need to understand that they are giving away their genetics and no
contact is allowed between children conceived of donor eggs/ egg
donation recipients and the egg donors. This legality is supported by
the fact that no egg donor registry exists, although the number of egg
donations is limited and guided by Sasreg guidelines (a body overseeing
egg donation in South Africa).
Recipients of egg donation undergo an IVF as if it
were a normal IVF, but their bodies are not stimulated to produce eggs,
only to receive and support the pregnancy.
Persons typically needing egg donation are those in
premature menopause, menopause, premature ovarian failure, persons
predisposed to genetic concerns, poor or absent ovarian reserve, male
recipients without female partners and those who cannot conceive with
their own eggs.
Egg donation is a beautiful deed. It is the gift
of life, the gift that can be given whilst egg donors are alive and
makes a lifelong difference.
Egg donation is a miracle that heals people and unites people.