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Egg Donation Means Giving Life

Egg donors give freely of themselves and it is a very gracious, noble and admirable deed.  The gift of life.
We may actually find more egg donors if they knew what the process of a donor life entailed during the egg donor program.
Essentially a donor is required to be committed to participate on a donor program for a period of around two months.  But during this time, her committment in terms of visits and appointments is really between 5 and 7, made up as follows:
  • Initial medical - blood tests and an internal scan.
  • Initial psychological screening - this affords the egg donor of having a personal consultation with a qualified psychologist who can discuss the process and confirm that the egg donor program is at the right time for the egg donor. 
  • Two or three scans over the two week period ending with the egg retrieval.
So whilst the egg donor program requires a level of committment, egg donors have a pleasant experience during this time of their donor life.
It is an opportunity to give something back  that woudl have ordinarily have been lost. 


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