If I think about all the children born without the love and
“want” of parents it makes me feels so empowered that I can make a life
changing difference to a couple that dreams of parenthood.
I love being a parent; it is truly the single most rewarding,
satisfying life path anyone can take. I know the struggle is real for couples
who have tried everything to have a child of their own. It is different than adoption
or surrogacy it is a life, your life growing inside you! AMAZING!!!
After experiencing many of my friends, family and even my
clients struggle to start a family of their own, I have always wanted so badly to
help them. So I have always loved the idea of being able to be part of making
that dream come true. While I could not do it for them, it is such a proud
accomplishment that I can change the lives of a couple for the better by
enabling them to become parents. Many couples realise their inability to have
children of their own, and here I am able to help provide long-lasting
happiness for others. I WILL BE PART OF THAT, HELL YEAH!
These parents I believe are going to be the best kind, the
kind children need to have. When you have to work hard for something you
appreciate it so much more in every instance of life, I believe the same for
these parents. The children of these parents will benefit greatly from the fact
that there parents would do anything to have them.
I’m pro good parenting and I think these people/couples will
shine. And that makes me very happy.