Gratitude 12. April 2016 Jenny Blog, Emotions (0) Dear Jenny, Can you please let our egg donor know that we are thinking of her... And that we are so [More]
My Egg Donation Process 7. April 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Fembryo Fertility Unit (0) As I started my first egg donation process I immediately experienced feelings of hope, joy and excit [More]
Honour To Donate 24. March 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Pretoria Fertility Clinic (0) If you feel it is your honour to donate, please see more about being an egg donor online. [More]
Here is My Write-Up 22. March 2016 Jenny Blog, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Fembryo Fertility Unit, Letters from Donors (0) I found my second time of egg donating so much more pleasant than the first. Fembryo was absol [More]
My Story 1. March 2016 Jenny Blog, Egg Donor, Emotions, Letters from Donors (0) I was 18 when I first signed up with Jenny at baby2mom. I wanted to be a surrogate not knowing [More]
Egg Donation Experience 23. February 2016 Jenny Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions, Medfem (0) I was super excited when I heard that someone had chosen me to be their donor, but also quite overwh [More]
Which Egg Donor To Select 16. February 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donation Recipient, Emotions (0) It has just become a fact that an egg donor is needed to conceive. This can be an extremely fr [More]
Valentines 2016 - Love Act 12. February 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Emotions (0) We all know that red resembles the colour of love. baby2mom's colour scheme has remained a ver [More]
Opportunity of a Lifetime 8. February 2016 Jenny Blog, Cape Fertility Clinic, Community, Egg Donor Experiences, Emotions (0) Hi Jenny, The day I got the phone call from you telling me that I'm finally [More]
Worship 4. February 2016 Jenny Blog, Community, Egg Donor, Emotions, Letters from Donors (0) The time we've all been waiting for is finally here and I thank God giving me the courage. I t [More]