Getting chosen as an egg donor made me realise that I am about to change someone's life in a positive way.
All my friends were against it except for one who would constantly remind me that a child is a gift from God. She further continued to say, since you're not ready to be a parent allow someone to have that gift. I thank her for those words, for even on days where I wanted to call the clinic and tell them I can't continue anymore. It is those words that gave me strength.
The injections had me bloated, and from the way people were looking at me I could tell they were having their own thoughts. Deep down in my heart, whatever they were thinking did not bother me for I knew that I was doing the right thing.
When the clinic sister called me in and said, "you're first", I knew that there was no turning back. I don't quite remember much. We went into the operation room.
When the clinic sister called me in and said "you're first," I knew that there was no turning back. I don't quite remember much. We went into the operation room. Dr Clark came in, telling me he's going to give me some medication that will take me into a nice deep sleep in 4, 3 .... I woke up in a different room, feeling quite shocked that it was all over without any pain. I even went out for lunch on that day with my brother after he fetched. I woke up the next day and life was NORMAL.
Thank you to everyone at the Medfem Clinic for their love and support. And to the family I was able to spare this gift of life, "I hope you cherish it just as much I cherished every step I took on this beautiful journey.