Jenny, just want to thank you for all your help and support and time.. I really appreciated the fact that I had the opportunity to donate again. My experience was a little different this time. It was quite a rough process on me, both physical and emotional, but I pushed through because I kept thinking of my recipients. I feel really blessed and honoured to know that they have chosen me as their donor. Thank you Jenny for everything.
Dear recipients ~ I would like to say thank you for choosing me, I can't explain my feelings of joy and love, you were my motivation to stay strong and be positive. It feels amazing to give something so precious to someone who deserves it. I could not wait for my retrieval, because I knew it was the start of something amazing for you. I wish you the best of luck and lots of baby dust. I know for a fact that you deserve a precious miracle. Thank you so much for everything.
Love ~ M

In this picture, I am representing the flower to say that we should appreciate the small things in life. I took this picture myself...
Sign up to become an egg donor here.