Whilst egg donation in Israel is permitted, this is not especially a popular option for young ladies, thus persons looking for egg donation from Isreal do frequent other places, with South Africa being a popular option.
Egg donors in Israel are required to be unmarried, aged between 21 and 35 and undergo an assessment by both the hospital committee and an independent psychologist. Under special conditions a married woman may participate as an egg donor. A maximum of three egg donor cycles may be undertaken and a maximum of two egg donations per year. Whilst Isreal's health insurance covers part of the cost, this may still be an onerous outlay as sundry costs include the rabbinical court - confirming the donor's Jewish authenticy.
To better understand this and explore more options for people to visit South Africa, the fertility clinic in Jerusalem, Shaare Zedek was visited. It is contained within a medical centre and the options for English are very limited.

The fertility clinic in Poria, Tiberius was also explored and too contained within the medical centre. It is located on a ridge in the Galilee region. The infrastructure is quite extensive and the standard promised to be of the highest in Israel.