Our proud and elated new dad sent this message this week...
Hi Jenny! As promised, here are a few pictures of Jonathan and Ella. They were born at 10h30 on 31 October (Halloween babies!) at 26 weeks.
As I said, both babies are stable and doing well, just still very tiny. They will be in the NICU at the Hospital until at least mid-January. Things are still day-to-day with them, but the pediatrician is very optimistic about their prognosis and growth, and encouraged that they've gone almost two full weeks now without any major complications or problems. Both are on breast milk from the South African Breast Milk Reserve (www.sabr.org.za)
To the extent that it's appropriate, please feel free to share these pictures (and futures pics) with the egg donor.
Obviously I wouldn't be at this point without you. You made everything happen, and I will always be so very grateful.
More soon!
P.S. It looks like there is a lot going on with the babies with all of the tubes and wires, but they are actually doing quite well. The little nose mask both have is an improvement from the breathing tube they had their first week.

See how these little twins have developed online and finally home after five months in hospital.