A few months ago, twin babies were born at a tender 24 weeks gestation, see our previous post.
I was so honoured to meet these miracle children, who started out life
with apgar scores of 0! These babies are the picture of miracle, the
will for the human spirit to thrive and the tender loving devotion.
The pictures have warmed my heart about the miracle of donor eggs and the miracle of life.

Amazing how personality comes at such an early age, little Ella was quite happy to sit and reflect on her surroundings, whilst Jonathan didnt keep still, not even for a second.

The miracle of life, we could not stop ourselves from looking at these little angels in awe.

special too is that when these little ones were touched by another
child, their faces lit up and these tiny babies weighing just over 3 and
4kg., burst into a huge smile.

Despite their initial struggles, these darlings smile at life!

For more on finding help with the miracle of life, visit baby2mom, your Egg Donation Agency.