Getting a call from Jenny if I would like to be an egg donor was like a new world for another opportunity opened for me. "Yes, I wold love to." I responded to ger with a huge smile on my heart, no one could see but me. I realised that this was another platform for me to fulfil my purpose, by making another woman happy and find her place in the world as a mother. I did not hestite to start with the documentation and the process. Everything was like a dream come true.
I started with the injections, the sisters were very patient and helpful. There is no day where I thought," What am I doing?" but every time I went for scanning, I would say to myself, "This is amazing, I cannot wait for the day the lady gets her baby." Being an egg donor was amazing, I enjoyed every step of the way.
Another great part about the experience was the traveling. I had never been to Durban before and baby2mom gave me a lifetime opportunity to enjoy a vacation just a few days after my birthday, the best 25th birthday gift ever and simultaneoulsy making a difference in another's life - something that brings me joy. If given another opportunity to be an egg donor, I would do it again. I advise other woman to also sign up as egg donors as it is all about changing a life and brining unexplained joy in the family.

baby2mom is the best!