From our egg donor...
I joined this program some time ago, while the idea of donating your eggs was just a pfff twenty year old brainwave at the time. Now years later and just when I needed it emotionally the most and not knowing this, I was approached for donating.
I am already very very blessed with the life that I have, my husband that God made for me but still I am only human. 2015 Started in a sad way, having to bury my husband's grandfather, changes at his work also started surfacing and here we are almost end of Feb with more bad luck than good luck it seems. Yet I can say thank you Dear Lord for everything I have, and the opportunity that I was selected for. Most people think its weird and funny when I say I am a proud organ and blood donor, and a very blessed egg donor. I wear my "label" proud now as at the age of 26 I understand life and us being human better than ever.
Now for this first time experience, I can say the staff and especially Dr Matebese was exceptional. She is truly an angel and a instrument when it comes to making miracles happen. Will I do it again- without a doubt yes I will!
To my receiver - You may have had an unsettled road thusfar, but now that God would have never put you through it if you werent strong enough. I am deeply touched and blessed that you selected me out of so many others. I believe that you wont be disappointed, and that your road further would be filled with lots of blessings. Just remember not in your time, but in God's time.